Marketing Success: 5 metrics you need to track in your Law Firm.

Marketing Success: 5 metrics you need to track in your Law Firm.

Jan 22, 2022

Most likely you have already invested thousands of dollars in marketing for your business, but not always we take the time after the fact to make sure this was a valuable investment.

Reality is, in order to know that your marketing is successful you have to be able to track several metrics to find out if the content you are showing to the public is well received and it brings you new clients.

The following metrics will provide you with insights on how your contact is performing, this way you can continue replicating ideas that work and take a look at others that need some improvement.

Lets dive in into the 5 Marketing Effectiveness Metrics:

1. Unique visitors: This is the best way to track the traffic of your site on a given period.

2. Page views: is the amount of individual pages that your visitors click on. If this number is higher than the Unique visitors, it is a sign that your visitors are finding your content engaging since they are looking around your website.

3. Conversion rate: is the percentage of visitors that actually end up taking action encouraged by your website. Such as signing up for newsletters, scheduling a call.

Here are a few conversion stats to help you compare how your website stacks up against your competitors (Source: Search Engine Land):

  • Across all industries, the average landing page conversion rate is 2.35%.
  • The top 25% of online businesses achieve an average 5.3% conversion rate.
  • The top 10% of landing pages in the legal industry have an average 6.46% conversion rate.

4. Bounce Rate: Is the percentage of visitors that come to your website but leave immediately before clicking in any other page. If your numbers show above 40%, you may want to take a look into your content, they might find it not too appealing.

5. Search engine traffic: equal to the percentage of visitors being referred by a search engine such as Google. This will also give you an idea of how effective your job is at optimizing your content for search.

One of the best ways to get these metrics is by creating an account with Google Analytics. Then, you can create charts with all the necessary data to help you understand the performance of your marketing campaigns and the return on your marketing investment.

We hope you find this information useful, to guide you in the right direction to a successful Law Firm.