Helpful Excel shortcuts for Mac users

Helpful Excel shortcuts for Mac users

Jan 22, 2022

At My Books and Taxes we love to work in Excel and we’ve learned some shortcuts we want to share with you to make your life easy.

Let's go!


= (the ‘equals sign) = Start a formula

CTRL + u = Edit active cell

Alt + > = Greater Than and and Equal To

Alt + < = Less Than and and Equal To

Rows & Columns

CTRL + [spacebar] = Select entire column

Shift + [spacebar] = Select entire row

Command + a = Select entire sheet


Shift + Enter = Move up through a selection

Command + ↑ = Jump to the top of a column

Command + ↓ = Jump to the bottom of a column

Command + W = Close the active workbook window

Alt + Tab = Switch to the next cell to the right

Command + Y = Repeat the last action

CTRL + d = Fill selected cell with the content in the cell above selected cell

CTRL + r = Fill selected cell with the content in the cell to the left of selected cell


Command + F = Find and replace values

CTRL + Shift + % = Show all values as percentages

CTRL + Shift + $ = Show all values as currency

CTRL  + Shift + ~  = Show all values in general number format

Command + b = Apply or remove bold formatting to selected cells

Command + i = Apply or remove italic formatting to selected cells

CTRL + 9 = Hide selected rows

Command + Shift + 9 = Unhide selected rows

CTRL (or Command) + 0 = Hide selected columns

Command + Shift + 0 = Unhide selected columns

CTRL + ; = Insert current date

Command + ; = Insert current time

Command + k = Insert a hyperlink


= Open spelling & grammar check

CTRL + F2 = Insert a comment

Command + Shift + s = Save your work as

Do you know other shortcuts? Share them with us, we would love to add them to this list. Email us at [email protected]