Advantages and Disadvantage of Working from Home

Advantages and Disadvantage of Working from Home

Jan 22, 2022

The world is experiencing difficult times and the only way to surf this wave is to adapt. Adapting means changing the way we think and the way we do things.

Working from home has been a challenge for everyone who is used to working in an office. That challenge has been accommodated by an inversion to have your own desk and implement your own space, but have you thought about the advantages that working from home have for you?

From our point of view, there are some advantages of working from home:

  1. Flexible Schedule: you decide your schedule and your time to complete your tasks. You can also adapt your office hours at home.
  2. Comfortable Clothes: During these months we have relaxed our dresscode a lot. Currently, some of us see each other in pajamas in our team meetings.
  3. No Office distractions: no colleagues or anyone who talks to you during the workday, it is definitely a time saver.
  4. No Commuting: from bed to shower, from shower to breakfast and breakfast to work.
  5. Save Money: You do not need to eat on the street, or buy new clothes to go to work, or pay for taxis or subways or gas to get to the office. 
  6. Forget the traffic: this is a real time saver, no need to move your car at all.
  7. More time for other things: to exercise, to share with your family, to read and do all the things that you couldn't before due to "lack of time"
  8. Tax deduction is you are self employed.

As every coin has two sides, here are some disadvantages:

  1. Difficulty establishing routines.
  2. Calling FastFood every time.
  3. Power naps. (Maybe this is an  advantage!)
  4. Distractions by family members.
  5. Additional expenses if your employer doesn’t reimburse you for your Home Office. 

As humans we tend to reject changes, but it always depends on you. Smile and look for the bright side, even though this may be different and sometimes difficult, it is all about routings. It will get better, you will learn how to manage your time efficiently, you will save some extra bucks to plan that overdue trip or invest for the future, and I can guarantee, you will enjoy more the time you spend outdoors with your loved ones.

Do you share our vision of Advantage and Disadvantages of working from home? What other will you add to this list? Email us at [email protected] we’d love to read your opinions!