Navigating Tax Season: A Step-by-Step Guide for Business Owners

Navigate tax season efficiently with our step-by-step guide for business owners. Learn key dates, essential documentation, and filing tips to maximize savings and compliance

Aug 20, 2024

Leasing vs. Buying a Car: Which Is Better for You?

Deciding between leasing or buying a car? Learn the pros and cons of each option, from cost considerations to flexibility, to help you make the best financial decision for your needs and lifestyle.

Jun 27, 2024

Hiring Your Children: A Smart Tax Deduction Strategy

Hiring your children can offer tax benefits for your business. Follow IRS rules to maximize deductions, avoid payroll taxes, and teach valuable work ethics. Learn more about this effective strategy.

Jun 24, 2024

How to Legally Write Off a Vacation as a Business Expense

Turn your next vacation into a deductible business trip! Ensure the primary purpose is business, document everything, and follow IRS rules closely. Learn how to save on travel expenses effectively.

May 29, 2024

3 Ways Your Small Business Can Measure Customer Service Effectively

Discover essential customer service metrics for small businesses with Gene Marks. Learn how to gauge customer satisfaction effectively.

May 17, 2024

Navigating Tax Deductions: Deciphering the Maze of Meals, Entertainment, and Marketing Expenses

Navigating the tax landscape: Learn the nuances of deducting meals, entertainment, and marketing expenses. Stay tax-savvy!

Dec 13, 2023

Recession is Coming. 9 Tips to Survive it.

During periods of recession, companies make fewer sales, and economic growth stalls or becomes nonexistent.

Oct 26, 2022


Business travel expenses are all the costs associated with traveling for the purpose of conducting business-related activities.

Sep 08, 2022

How to know if the IRS is contacting you and not a scammer?

Identity thieves and scammers are becoming more and more prevalent. you are not an exception when it comes to identity theft.

Aug 31, 2022

Payments received on Venmo, CashApp and Zelle will be taxable as of January 2022.

If you receive $600 or more payments in total for goods and services through a third-party payment network, such as Venmo, Cash App, or Zelle, these payments will now be reported to the IRS

Jan 22, 2022

Differences between the 1099-NEC and  1099-MISC

In 2020 the 1099-NEC goes into effect, so we will tell you what it is and what is the difference between the 1099-NEC and the 1099-MISC.

Jan 22, 2022

Year-End Bonuses Done Right

It is the time to give, to reward those who have worked with you and helped you and your business during the year, and what better way to do it than through a bonus.

Jan 22, 2022

5 tips on how to be charitable this holiday season

It's amazing that it's already December, isn't it? How fast this year went by! as fast as these 5 tips on how to be charitable this holiday season.

Jan 22, 2022